The Emerging Market Sustainability Dialogues (EMSD) is launching a Challenge Fund and invites actors from think tanks, multinational corporations, and the financial sector to jointly submit proposals.
The Fund is open to a wide variety of projects, with different topics, target groups, and approaches. Reflecting EMSD’s philosophy, proposals have to prove a collaborative spirit and foster cross-regional and cross-sectoral solutions for sustainable economic growth and development. The Fund seeks to bridge the gap between communities of practice and thinking, to generate implementation-ready products, and incubate projects that do not fit into traditional funding categories and mechanisms.
Successful applicants will get opportunities to leverage their own work through our open, interdisciplinary networks of corporate managers, policy analysts and financial market stakeholders, with outreach potential to international policy fora such as the G20, targeted UN processes as well as BRICS Consultations.
The focus of the Fund is on impact delivered through (i) sustainable business solutions, (ii) sustainable finance processes and instruments, and/or (iii) economic policy for sustainable growth. The Fund is equipped with up to EUR 1 million, expected to be disbursed in several funding rounds until 2019, each funding several projects.
Please refer to the full text of the Call for Proposals for further information.
Deadline for the first round of submissions in this two-round selection process is 31 October 2017. The awardee(s) will be announced by 19 January 2018.