Integrated Upstream Planning

Integrated Upstream Planning

Guidance for International Actors, Countries and Cities 

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development calls for integrated approaches to sustainable development which factor in interdependencies of sectors, regions and different interest groups. This imperative crucially applies to sustainable infrastructure planning: True progress on the Global Goals remains elusive if sustainability is only addressed one infrastructure project at a time.  Rather, sustainability must be mainstreamed through integrated upstream planning approaches that integrate all relevant sectors and stakeholders. In practice, however, segregated infrastructure planning is still widely spread, thereby failing to reap efficiency gains and positive spill-over effects from integrated upstream planning approaches.

Therefore, this workstream focused on raising awareness about the centrality of integrated upstream planning considerations to improve sustainability and resilience of infrastructure development at early stages. Bearing this goal in mind, the workstream defined the challenges that hinder broad uptake of integrated upstream planning for sustainable infrastructure and outlined solutions to overcome these barriers. The members formulated recommendations to support integrated upstream planning for the international donor community as well as for national and sub-national public authorities.

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Thematic Brief

"Integrated Upstream Planning"

This summary outlines the major challenges to integrated upstream planning for sustainable infrastructure. Followingly, it identifies five essential criteria for scaling up integrated upstream planning and concrete recommendations that support implementation.

Guidance Note

"Good Practice Guidance for International Actors, Countries and Cities"

To provide hands on guidance for actors involved in infrastructure planning at different levels, this Note includes detailed explanations of challenges, scaling approaches and good practice examples, concluding in concrete recommendations for measures to be adopted by the different stakeholder groups mentioned above.

Online event:

"How Integrated Planning Approaches Can Help Build Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure in a post-COVID-19 World"

This online event offers insights into the importance of integrated upstream infrastructure planning, its link to sustainable development and its implementation at national, regional and municipal levels as well as on the practical application of methods, tools and approaches that support implementation, such as systems modelling and capacity assessment tools.

Policy Brief

for the Think20

The workstream members contributed to a policy brief for the Think20 (T20) process, the intellectual backbone of the Group of Twenty (G20). The brief informes on “Policies and Implementation Guidelines for Data Driven, Integrated, Risk-based Planning of Sustainable Infrastructure”.

GSI Global Table - Vision Statement

"COVID-19 & the Reinforced Case for Sustainable Infrastructure Development"

The workstream participants contributed to the Global Table with a vision statement outlining the importance of sustainable infrastructure investments for green economic recovery and public service delivery post COVID-19.


Should you be interested in learning more about the Solutions Lab, please reach out to:

Ms. Vanessa Bauer
  +49 6196 79-7424




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