Sustainable Infrastructure Project Preparation

Sustainable Infrastructure Project Preparation

Mobilizing Private Capital and Closing the Infrastructure Service Gap

This workstream was prompted by the Mexican infrastructure development bank Banobras as fiduciary of Mexico’s National Infrastructure Fund FONADIN During the first in-person meeting, FONADIN expressed interest in enhancing the sustainability of its infrastructure project pipeline with support from the Solutions Lab. Accordingly, this workstream zeroed ion solutions for sustainable infrastructure project preparation with two main objectives:

Firstly, the workstream accompanied FONADIN’s efforts in strengthening the delivery of sustainable infrastructure projects in Mexico through a Critical Friends GroupSecondly, – building on FONADIN’s journey – the workstream has been developing hands-on guidance for project preparation officials more broadly to support the development of sustainable and bankable project pipelines that attract private investors, contribute to closing the global infrastructure service gap and align with sustainable development objectives. 

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Thematic Brief

"Sustainable Infrastructure Project Preparation"

To close the sustainable infrastructure service gap,  USD 15 trillion must be mobilized until 2040. By integrating sustainability criteria into the preparation of new infrastructure assets, public bodies can achieve a dual objective: infrastructure asset pipelines that meet the SDGs and bankable projects that mobilize private capital of forward-leaning investors.

Guidance Note

"Integrating Sustainability Considerations into Infrastructure Project Pipelines"

The workstream has developed an actionable Guidance Note to offer project preparation officials a “recipe” on how to set up effective institutional mechanisms for sustainability integration into project preparation processes.

Critical Friends Group

for FONADIN's sustainable infrastructure development

The Critical Friends Group – in other words, an informal advisory board – accompanied the ongoing sustainability efforts of Mexico’s National Infrastructure Fund FONADIN and its cooperation with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in developing and implementing a sustainable infrastructure strategy.

Public Consultation

Guidance Note

In order to consolidate our work, we are looking forward to receiving contributions to our Guidance Note on “Sustainable Infrastructure Project Preparation: Mobilizing Private Capital and Closing the Infrastructure Service Gap”. Follow the link below to access the consultation form and share your expertise with us.


Should you be interested in learning more about the Solutions Lab, please reach out to:

Ms. Vanessa Bauer
  +49 6196 79-7424




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