Sustainability Integration with CHINCA

Sustainability Integration with the China International Contractors Association (CHINCA)

EMSD has supported the China International Contractors Association (CHINCA) to develop the Guidelines for Sustainable Infrastructure for Chinese International Contractors (SIG). They guide Chinese international contractors to build infrastructure according to leading sustainability standards, covering five major infrastructure development phases: funding, planning & design, building, operation & maintenance and closure. In June 2017, the Guidelines were officially launched at the 8th International Infrastructure Investment and Construction Forum in Macau.

Building on the vast potential for trilateral cooperation in the field of sustainable infrastructure, EMSD is exploring opportunities with China and Africa. In addition, there is potential for business cooperation between Chinese, German and African countries’ businesses and infrastructure players for sustainable, quality infrastructure. In February 2019, the workshop “Sustainble Infrastructure in Africa – Peer-Learning and Business Development” connected a series of key stakeholders and allowed for the exchange of experiences and best practices. Consultations continue.


Should you be interested in learning more about our work, please reach out to:

Mr. John Hauert – Lead, Sustainable Infrastructure

Zhou Yiqi– Project Coordinator China