Green Recovery for Cities and Sustainable Infrastructure

Green Recovery for Cities and Sustainable Infrastructure

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This report contains recommendations for investing in low carbon and resilient infrastructure in cities to cope with the socio-economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and prevent future crises. Cities, particularly fast-growing cities and megacities with dense populations, are disporportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. About 95% of reported cases come from urban areas. Physical distancing is near to impossible on public transportation and on streets which are normally used by pedestrians, cars, and both formal and informal street vendors. FELICITY (Financing Energy for Low-carbon investement-Cities Advisory Facility) is an initiative of GIZ and the European Investement Bank (EIB), to support low-carbon infrastructure projects in cities that significantly contribute to sustainable development and climate change mitigation.

FELICITY – Accelerating investments for low carbon cities | Green Recovery for Cities and Sustainable Infrastructure