G20 Engagement Group Dialogue on Digitalization
Digital Solutions for Sustainability

The Emerging Market Sustainability Dialogues (EMSD) team facilitated a meeting convened by the Women20 engagement group of the G20, at the GIZ Representative Office in Berlin, Germany, on Feb 28th, focusing on digitalization and bringing together all G20 engagement groups.
With digitalization being one of the focus topics of Germany’s G20 presidency, the engagement groups – namely business (B20), civil society (C20), trade unions (L20), science (S20), think tanks (T20), and women (W20)- got together to exchange on their respective positions and distil possible synergies as well as potential statements to be brought forward to G20 decision makers.
A representative of the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), covering international digital policy, introduced the topic within the context of Germany’s G20 agenda leading up to the digital minister’s conference on April 6th and 7th in Düsseldorf, Germany.
All engagement groups identified common ground in particular related to skills, education and access more broadly.
The dialogue is intended to continue.
EMSD is W20’s international implementation partner and supports the group with a research study on women’s economic empowerment in the digital age across the G20, W20’s consultation process, digital tools, as well as intellectual and logistical support.
For details on the presented positions please refer to:
28-02-2017_Präsentation EMSD W20
28-02-2017_B20 Priorities Digitalization
28-02-2017_Science 20 – Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina
28-02-2017_Civil Society Information Society Advisory Council_G7 G20 Digitalisation Task Force Position
Further information on W20 focus topics can be found here.