On December 4th in Sao Paulo, Brazil, the international summit Empresa + ComUnidad took place. The event had the objective to present, evaluate and redefine the strategic and thematic lines of the Empresa + ComUnidad Initiative. The event gathered together sustainability leaders and representatives from companies, corporative foundations, institutes and academic institutions from Latin American countries.
In the framework of the Empresa + ComUnidad International Summit the guide “Opportunities to generate social value for communities. An orientation guidelines for companies” developed within the EMSD initiative in collaboration with the FGV was presented. This guide provide to guide the companies and social investors on the identification and implementation of actions and strategies that contributes to the sustainable development of communities everything through the core business.

The presentation of these guidelines showed that is still necessary to company the private sector into the implementation of guidelines. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the role of the replicator, a communication leader at the interior of the private sector. The participants also mentioned the importance of co-design because it is worthless to generate and replicate the best methodologies or instruments if nobody uses it.
The closing remarks were in charge of EMSD and RedEAmérica, who highlighted that the event represented a great day for development cooperation, in specific for the engagement of private sector. The event ended with a call for action to improve the performance at sustainable development.
For further information, please contact: diego.angelino@giz.de