Expanding India’s Energy Efficiency Sector

Expanding India’s Energy Efficiency Sector

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Increased greenhouse gas emissions as a result of India’s increased energy consumption and the country’s future dependence on fossil fuels to serve its energy security have raised serious environmental concerns. As an emerging economy, India has a huge opportunity to meet its development goals in minimal energy consumption. Energy efficiency, termed as ‘the first fuel’ by the International Energy Agency (IEA), will play a pivotal role in determining an optimal energy portfolio for India. he deployment of clean energy systems is gaining momentum through policy interventions in India and across the globe. Although, one of the most inexpensive achievable option available is adopting an energy efficient lifestyle. Energy efficiency is increasingly becoming a key pillar of energy transformation policies in the world. Implementing robust energy efficiency interventions lead to curbed air pollution, decarbonisation, improved energy access, better resource use and enhanced energy security.

Observer Research Foundation | Expanding India’s Energy Efficiency Sector