Workshop on Sustainable Infrastructure Convening the Conveners
Sustainable Infrastructure

The first of its kind joint workshop of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Emerging Market Sustainability Dialogues (EMSD) in Berlin on March 23rd brought together 30 initiatives and organisations on how to better cooperate on promoting sustainability in infrastructure projects.
70 percent of future greenhouse gas emissions from developing countries will come from infrastructure assets which have not yet been built. Thus we face the double challenge of closing the infrastructure gap in developing countries and emerging markets and at the same time promoting sustainability, climate resiliency and climate compatibility in new projects. This double challenge to deliver large quantities of infrastructure with a high degree of sustainability and quality simultaneously is unprecedented.
Against this background, Emerging Market Sustainability Dialogues (EMSD) together with the Inter-American Development Bank hosted a workshop in Berlin on March 23rd, 2017, to bring together 30 major initiatives and organisations engaged in sustainable infrastructure. Among the participants were representatives from UNFCCC, IRENA, Brookings Institution, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, Climate Policy Initiative, UN Principles for Responsible Investment, World Economic Forum and many more.
The workshop offered the unique opportunity to better understand the different lines of activities of the various institutions and to identify synergies for joint actions, to globally push forward sustainable infrastructure. The participants highly valued the networking and collective brainstorming and acknowledged that a collaborative effort will lead to bigger impact. It was agreed to engage in a long-term process to realize synergies and to foster cooperation.
Better upstream planning by the governments to include sustainability into public infrastructure pipelines was identified as a crucial action point. In addition, participating institutions agreed to work together to jointly promote awareness raising for the business case of sustainability in infrastructure projects in order to mobilise additional private investments.