Women20 Latin America Outreach Workshop
Archive Economic Policy Forum

Sao Paolo, Brazil on 11 – 12 June 2018
Women20 (W20) is an official engagement group of the G20 formed by an international network of women leaders from civil society organisations, the business sector, entrepreneurs and think tanks. Its objective is to influence decision-making groups of the G20 to carry out policies towards gender equality, and to meet the goal of advocating for more prosperous and inclusive societies.

Diego Angelino representing EMSD
The W20 Latin American (LatAm) Outreach was hosted with support of the Emerging Market Sustainability Dialogues (EMSD) in Sao Paolo on 11 – 12 June 2018. Among 40 participants were W20 delegates from the three Latin American countries of the G20 (Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico) as well as representatives from companies, civil society organisations and academics. Institutions like UN Women, the Inter-American Development Bank, and Instituto Locomotiva sent high-level representatives. Juliana Bonetto (W20 Executive Director) introduced W20 objectives, regarding the four focal areas of labour, digital and financial inclusion as well as rural development. Some of the highlights in the discussion were:
- Labour inclusion: Recognition of the context of working women and varieties between all ethnic groups and cultures, care services in Latin America, as well as the necessity to generate incentives like “labels” for corporations that prioritise gender equity.
- Digital inclusion: Particular challenges in rural and indigenous contexts, e.g. basic infrastructure for schools or telecommunication facilities are lacking.
- Financial inclusion: access to credits and financial education, necessity of financial education to be designed and implemented by women and for women, as well as suggestions for “gender equity bonds” to incentivise investment in projects for women development.
- Rural development: importance of rural infrastructure for development, ensuring landownership by women.
Diego Angelino, EMSD’s project coordinator in Mexico outlined EMSD’s role as a strategic implementation partner, particularly aiming at the inclusion of Emerging Markets delegates and perspectives. Historically contributions therefore include facilitation of cross-regional networks like the first All-Women20-Presidencies Roundtable in Berlin or supporting the W20 study „The Effects of Digitalisation on Gender Equality in the G20 Economies”.
Going forward all feedback collected during the outreach session will be consolidated and harmonized for the W20 policy briefs, which will be presented during the W20 Summit in October in Buenos Aires, along the W20 Communiqué.
Additional information:
Please find the Agenda and Participants list of the Workshop as well as Presentations of UN Women, W20 and EMSD here.
Related W20 News
Photo credit: Diego Angelino
For more information, please contact nina.roth@giz.de.