Women20 Argentina kick-off – EMSD as strategic partner
Archive Economic Policy Forum

With the Group of 20 (G20) Presidency, Germany has also handed over its Women 20 (W20) Presidency to Argentina on 1 December 2017. W20 is one of the seven G20 engagement groups, forming a network of women’s organisations, female entrepreneurs associations and think tanks. W20 seeks to promote women’s economic and overall empowerment. W20 Argentina aims to renew and intensify the G20 Leaders’ commitment to women’s full economic and social participation, as well as reducing the gender gap, in line with both the Los Cabos and the Brisbane Declarations. Its four focus areas are financial, digital and labour market inclusion as well as rural women.
Following its implementation partnership with W20 Germany, Emerging Market Sustainability Dialogues (EMSD) was appointed by W20 Argentina as strategic partner to ensure representation of emerging markets perspectives as well as sustainability topics.
In her appointment letter to EMSD, W20 Argentina Chair Susana Balbo emphasised the importance of mainstreaming gender equality and women’s empowerment across the G20 Leaders’ agenda, which would serve as a source of inclusive growth and as a contribution towards the achievement of sustainable development, in accordance with the 2030 Agenda.
On 11 December 2017 W20 Argentina hosts its high-level kick-off event with representatives from various Argentine women’s associations and political dignitaries, W20 Germany Co-Chair and team as well as W20 Delegates from Brazil, the US, the UK, Mexico, India, Turkey, and China. The kick-off event will also feature a presentation of first study results and policy recommendations to the “business case of gender equality”, by the Argentine think tank CIPPEC – an EMSD partner – , which also acts as a W20 Argentina knowledge partner.
A webinar on 13 December will introduce all W20 Delegates – especially those who could not travel to Argentina – to the priorities, work plan and focus topics of W20 Argentina.
EMSD is W20’s strategic partner and supports the group with a research study on economic benefits of gender equality, W20’s consultation process, digital tools, outreach to other emerging markets as well as the following presidency, as well as with intellectual and logistical support.
Related Activities
- At the W20 Argentina kick-off on 11 December 2017 in Buenos Aires, the previous presidency W20 Germany handed over the EMSD supported project handbook, documenting and evaluating the W20 process
- Women20 Argentina kick-off, December 10 2017, Buenos Aires – photo gallery
For further information, please contact: nina.roth@giz.de