Women20 and EMSD co-organize side event to the WBG/IMF Annual Meeting
Archive Economic Policy Forum

On October 12 Women20 and the Emerging Market Sustainability Dialogues (EMSD) co-organized an event in the realm of the WBG/IMF Civil Society Policy Forum in Washington, D.C. 70 representatives from the public, private and financial sectors attended ”Women20 targeting financial inclusion in the G20 and beyond: The Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative (We-Fi)”. The event focused on the potentials and challenges of the initiative.
Chaired by Jennifer Bisceglie (CEO/Quantum Leaps), the session drew on the inputs of the speakers Juliane Rosin (W20 Germany), Henriette Kolb (International Finance Corporation), Lynnette Nontobeko Magasa (Boniswa Corporate Solutions and B20 South Africa), Jeehan Abdul Ghaffar (World Bank Group), Sarah Gammage (International Center for Research on Women) and Susana Balbo (W20 Chair Argentina).
The panelists discussed with the audience We-Fi’s status quo in the context of Women20, identified We-Fi’s key actors and projects. They opined on concrete contributions from civil society actors and emerging economies as well as developing countries to We-Fi’s design and execution.
Central issues related to the importance of better knowledge transfers, the urgency to support the development of new networks, the key role of transparency and accountability in project funding, as well as the need for sex-aggregated data on bank lending.
IFC and World Bank representatives also mentioned the launch of the Call for Proposals of the We-Fi, which can be accessed here.
EMSD is W20’s international implementation partner and supports the group with a research study on women’s economic empowerment in the digital age across the G20, W20’s consultation process, digital tools, as well as intellectual and logistical support.
For further information, please contact nina.roth@giz.de