Seminar on Sustainable Infrastructure in India
Sustainable Infrastructure

On November 18th 2016, the Emerging Market Sustainability Dialogues (EMSD), together with the Centre for Responsible Business (CRB) organized a seminar on Sustainable Infrastructure: From Guidelines & Standards to Industry Practice in New Delhi, India. The seminar was part of the international conference India and Sustainability Standards: International Dialogues and Conference 2016 which brought together more than 500 business representatives and other stakeholders in Delhi, India.
Large infrastructure projects have substantial impact on the society as a whole, by shaping social, economic and environmental conditions. Making infrastructure investments (more) sustainable will bring major benefits to society, through enhanced inclusiveness, transparency, environmental protection and climate-friendliness. Promoting sustainable infrastructure development contributes to achieving the SDGs overall by simultaneously ensuring inclusive growth, climate-friendliness environmental consciousness /awareness and social sustainability.
The seminar showcased the status quo of sustainable infrastructure globally and exemplified why sustainable infrastructure has become central in national development strategies as well as in international fora such as the G20, the Paris Agreement and the UN Agenda 2030. Speaker and discussants from China (China International Contractors Association), Switzerland (Global Infrastructure Basel), the UK (Mott MacDonald), India (the National Highway Infrastructure Development Corporation , the Confederation of Construction Products and Services, the Quality Council of India, India Infrastructure Finance Company, the Carbon Disclosure Project, Emergent Ventures India) , shared their experience on developing and implementing sustainable infrastructure standards, finance and policy solutions, and explored future collaboration opportunities.
The EMSD history of working on sustainable infrastructure standard development dates back as far as 2010, when it supported the China International Contractors Association with developing the CSR Guide for Chinese International Contractors. This guide and following guidelines and standards became the leading industry voluntary sustainability standard in China and has been implemented in more than 50 CHINCA member companies.
The EMSD supports the development and implementation of a comprehensive, global agenda for sustainable infrastructure. Together with its members from multinational corporations, financial institutions and think tanks, it formulates policy recommendations in prominent global fora, incl. G20 (B20, T20) and translates them into practice by developing new tools and instruments, and supporting the roll-out of existing sustainable infrastructure standards. To this end, EMSD is bringing together industrial players, investors, regulators and expertise, to translate global knowledge into local practice, supported by pilot projects in Asia and the Pacific.