Second Call for Proposals for EMSD Challenge Fund open

thumbnail of 2018-03-02_EMSD-Challenge-Fund-II_Call-for-Proposals


Second Call for Proposals for EMSD Challenge Fund open

Sustainable Infrastructure

Second Call for Proposals for EMSD Challenge Fund open

The Emerging Market Sustainability Dialogues (EMSD) announces the Second Call for Proposals for its Challenge Fund.

The Fund seeks to bridge the gap between communities of practice and thinking. It aims at incubating projects that through their specific cross-stakeholder character, cross-regional scope and pilot ambition may not fit into traditional funding categories and mechanisms.

The focus of the Fund is on impact delivered through sustainable (i) corporate practices and business models (ii) finance processes and instruments and/or (iii) economic policy measures/incentives.

Submissions for complete application documents will be open until midnight (CET) 12 April 2018. All proposals must be submitted via email to:


The awardee(s) will be announced by 30 May 2018.

Please refer to the full text of the Call for Proposals  for further information.