Green Assets Wallet – Alpha Phase Completed


Green Assets Wallet – Alpha Phase Completed

Sustainable Finance

Green Assets Wallet - Alpha Phase Completed

Stockholm Green Digital Finance convened a Green Assets Wallet partners’ meeting, hosted by Öhman, in Stockholm late March 2018. Purpose of the meeting was to conclude the Alpha Phase of the project – which included interviews of all project partners, methodology decisions as well as technology testing. All involved project partners received an update on critical decisions taken. Participants included representatives of Emerging Markets Dialogue on Finance (EMDF), co-lead and funder of the project, blockchain engineering company ChromaWay, CICERO, geographic information provider GIB, as well as asset manager Öhman, real estate developer Vasakronan as well as asset owner Mistra.

ChromaWay also presented an initial prototype and walked the participants through the technological considerations. Discussions on pilots as well as emerging markets partners are ongoing, and will be crucial part of the Beta Phase of the project, which will include refining the back-end technology as well as the overall methodology, as well as onboarding further emerging markets partners.

Related Activities

  • Regular project updates can be found here and here

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