Global EPF-EMM Summit | 2014
Archive Emerging Market Multinationals Network for Sustainability

From 15-16 September 2014, the Emerging Market Multinationals Network for Sustainability (EMM) and the Economic Policy Forum (EPF) held their first joint Global Summit in Berlin, Germany. In line with the topic “Emerging Market Investment Strategies: New Pathways for Green Growth“, more than 70 representatives of think tanks, multinational enterprises and policy makers from 17 countries discussed policy recommendations and business models for sustainable investment in and from emerging economies. Senior sustainability professionals and other C-level managers from Brazil, Mexico, China, India, Spain and Germany contributed to panel discussions, round table workshops and Design Thinking formats.
Recommendations and Outlook
The main topics discussed were voluntary standards and frameworks in the mining, automotive and energy sectors. Policy frameworks and business challenges for green inbound and outbound foreign direct investment (FDI) were discussed. During the sessions first opportunities for future collaborations between EMM and EPF members were identified. Representatives from the OECD, the social entrepreneurs’ network Ashoka and CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project) presented sustainability guidelines and frameworks to support the development of innovative business models for multinational companies from emerging markets.
Participants from business and policy-making appreciated the innovative format of the event showing that think tanks and companies often share the same challenges. Joining efforts could contribute to finding innovative solutions to sustainability challenges. Paulo Boneff, Senior Social Responsibility Analyst at the Brazilian steel company Gerdau stated: “The high quality of the presented approaches for sustainable investments from business and policy side made this event stand out.” Lesley Wentworth from the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) highlighted that for many think tanks meeting business representatives was a rare opportunity and that the Summit succeeded in “joining knowledge from both sides”.
The Summit offered wide space for fruitful exchange and food for thought on joint approaches to green policy and business solutions.
It was also the first step to a closer collaboration between the EMM Network and EPF. Common goals of the two networks include strengthening evidence-based policy-making for green growth and supporting green business model innovation, thereby contributing to solutions for the global sustainability agenda.