Final Presentation of Sustainability ROI Case Studies


Final Presentation of Sustainability ROI Case Studies

Archive Emerging Market Multinationals Network for Sustainability

Final Presentation of Sustainability ROI Case Studies

As part of the Sustainability Return on Investment (ROI) Project, which is jointed implemented by the EMM Network for Sustainability and its Brazilian technical partner GVces – Centro de Estudos em Sustentabilidade da Fundação Getúlio Vargas EAESP-FGV, this event on December 01, 2015, will be the final presentation to showcase the sustainability ROI case studies.

Companies, policy communities, selected players from other countries will  be invited to share results and experiences on ROI. All results and experiences will be documented, as case studies, and a cross-case analysis will be performed. This will form the basis of peer-to-peer learning exchanges amongst EMM Network members and the wider public.