EMSD Support for China’s Sustainable Mining Agenda Highlighted at OECD Forum


EMSD Support for China’s Sustainable Mining Agenda Highlighted at OECD Forum

Archive Emerging Market Multinationals Network for Sustainability

EMSD Support for China's Sustainable Mining Agenda Highlighted at OECD Forum

The Emerging Market Sustainability Dialogues (EMSD) together with its partner China Chamber of Commerce of Metals Minerals & Chemicals Importers & Exporters (CCCMC) contributed to and organised a number of side-events at the OECD’s 11th Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains in Paris from 2-6 May 2017. More than 900 stakeholders came together to discuss the implementation of due diligence guidelines for mineral supply chains and related mechanisms.

Among others, EMSD was invited to share insights from its longstanding work in and with China on responsible business conduct. On a panel focusing on China, Global Programme Director, Daniel Taras, reflected on the EMSD’s Emerging Market Multinationals Network for Sustainability (EMM) cooperation with the China Chamber of Commerce of Metals Minerals & Chemicals Importers & Exporters (CCCMC) for the design of the Guidelines of Social Responsibility in Outbound Mining Investment and their implementation under the Sustainability in Chinese Outward Mining Investments-Sustainable Mining Action Plan (SMAP).

Numerous speakers and participants highlighted the crucial role of EMSD and GIZ more broadly in supporting China’s sustainable mining agenda and fostering the uptake and implementation of responsible business conduct initiatives.

EMSD also continued its support of CCCMC in setting up the industry-led global Responsible Cobalt Initiative (RCI).

For more information on EMSD work on sustainable mining, please visit here.

For more information on the OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains, please visit here.