EMDF Co-Organises Advanced Training on Green Banking in Hangzhou
Sustainable Finance

Green Banking: Mitigating Environmental Risks and Financing Sustainable Development | 23-25 May 2018
In cooperation with the People’s Bank of China (PBoC) Hangzhou Central Sub-branch, GIZ Emerging Markets Dialogue on Finance (EMDF) co-organized the Green Banking Advanced Training, namely “Mitigating Environmental and Social Risks and Financing Sustainable Growth” at PBC’s premises in Hangzhou on 23-25 May 2018. SynTao Green Finance technically supported the training program. The Training aims to promote sustainable finance practices in the banking sector, therefore supporting the green and low-carbon economy transition in China. Mr. Xu Zifu, the Vice President of PBC Hangzhou Central Sub-branch and the Executive Vice-Chairman of Zhejiang Finance Society, and Ms. Qi Lan, the Senior Project Manager of GIZ EMDF, made the opening speeches, jointly pointed out the top priorities of establishing and improving the Green Finance System in China along with emphasising the importance of international cooperation in promoting sustainable finance.

Trainee presenting the Green Action Plan
More than 60 trainees from 57 financial institutions in Zhejiang Province together with regulatory authorities at provincial level attended this training programme, including 3 policy banks, 4 state-owned commercial banks, 12 shareholding commercial banks, 19 urban & rural banks, financial leasing companies and insurance, etc.

Keith Lee, WWF Singapore presented 6P ESG Integration Framework
The training modules were tailor-made upon the expectations of PBC and local banks, aiming to build green finance capacity amongst these Chinese banks with a focus of integrating ESG factors into sustainable strategy formulation, governance structure, investment decision, product development and risk management. The profiles of seven trainers represented a good mix of finance and environmental expertise. Leading green finance experts from Chinese banks, including ICBC Urban Finance Research Institute, Industrial Bank, Bank of Jiangsu, as well as top sustainability experts from China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Group (CECEP), Lianhe Equator Environmental Impact Assessment Co. Ltd., SynTao Green Finance and WWF Singapore delivered the trainings in a pragmatic manner.
The participatory methodology was widely adopted for the training courses with a combination of best practices/principles/tools elaboration, peer learning and case studies. The trainees enjoyed the real-case simulation and presented topics on Green Bond/Re-lending, Green Bank Action Plan, and one specific inclusive green finance product – livestock rearing (pig) project. Moreover, trainees also submitted 53 cases which snapshot banks’ insights on environmental and social risks relevant to their credit policy and investment decisions, and also enabled bankers’ self-reflection on the “green” aspects of their business operations.
The training was highly acknowledged by PBoC HangZhou and banks. Mr. Wang Qufei, the Division Director of PBoC Hang Zhou commented “the training helped us to get a new understanding of green finance, and it gave banks hands-on guidance to apply green finance practices and promote green finance work in our daily work”. The Head of Green Finance Department of Industrial Bank, Mrs. Zhang Hongbo highly recognized the GIZ training as one of the most substantive and pragmatic programs”.
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