Launch of Guidelines for Responsible Outbound Mining Investment | 2014


Launch of Guidelines for Responsible Outbound Mining Investment | 2014

Archive Emerging Market Multinationals Network for Sustainability

Launch of Guidelines for Responsible Outbound Mining Investment | 2014


On 24 October 2014, the China Chamber of Commerce of Metals, Minerals & Chemicals Importers & Exporters (CCCMC) launched the Guidelines for Social Responsibility in Outbound Mining Investments. The guidelines are the outcome of a comprehensive and transparent development process of almost one and a half years with support by the Sino-German CSR Project and the EMM Network for Sustainability. The guidelines are the first comprehensive guidance for Chinese mining companies operating abroad.


Main Themes / Events

The introduction of the guidelines took place on the occasion of the international conference “Exploration Exchange China” at the Beijing International Convention Center. Dr. Astrid Skala-Kuhmann, Director, Global Partnerships, Emerging Economies at GIZ and Mr. Kang Bingjian, Division Director, International Trade & Economic Affairs Department at the Chinese Ministry of Commerce (MofCom) opened the ceremony. Different sessions of the event focused on China’s role in socially and responsible outbound mining and the importance of responsible mineral supply chains. In cooperation with the OECD, the debate focused on the implementation of the so called OECD Due Diligence Guidance. This guidance aims to avoid that gains from mining in conflict areas, e.g. Africa’s Great Lakes region, feed into conflict financing. It was stressed that compliance to these standards is crucial for the competitiveness of Chinese firms.

The Emerging Market Multinationals (EMM) Network for Sustainability in cooperation with GIZ China and the OECD will continue to engage in further initiatives with Chinese mining companies in order to strengthen and implement effective standards for Chinese mining multinationals operating abroad. The lessons learnt both from the guideline development as well as their implementation will be fed into the EMM Network, providing valuable peer-to-peer learning opportunities for Chinese and other EMMs.

The guideline development and launch was also featured in an article of the New York Times, which you can access here.