7th RedEAmerica International Forum | 2015
Archive Emerging Market Multinationals Network for Sustainability
From 24-27 March 2015 the seventh annual Foro Internacional RedEAmérica, co-sponsored by the EMM Network and GIZ, was held in Merida, Mexico with the topic: “Business, Community, Development: Challenges of a Sustainable Perspective”. The forum brought together sustainability managers from dozens of leading multinationals and corporate foundations from across Latin America to reflect on how enterprises, communities and the public sector can contribute to environmental sustainability.
The forum is annually organised by RedEAmérica, a network whose mission is to initiate and expand corporate actions to promote sustainable communities in Latin America. The organising committee of RedEAmérica is composed of leading Mexican multinationals and foundations, including CEMEX, Fomento Económico Mexicano (FEMSA), Holcim Mexico, Fundacion Merced and Fundación del Empresariado en México (FUNDEMEX).
The first day of the gathering was a members-only conference, opened by Philipp Kruschel, Executive Director of the EMM Network, with a presentation on “Partnerships for development in emerging economies: the case for cooperation for sustainability.” Breakout learning rounds were then held on such topics as company-community involvement, local development plans, and private investment in furtherance of the Sustainable Development Goals.
The second day, open to the general public, continued the discussion on the role of the private sector in environmental sustainability. Four general sessions centered on how the concept of sustainable development is understood, the private sector and the SDGs, impact evaluation and community sustainability. Smaller-group workshops considered topics as how to reconcile economic development and environmental preservation, opportunities for corporate-community cooperation over water resources, and alliances for environmental education. Finally, the conference closed with a panel debate on the lessons and challenges of building sustainable communities.
More information and the full program can be found on the Foro Internacional RedEAmérica website (Spanish only).